Thursday, December 29, 2011

Almost the end of 2011

I am sitting here now and wondering where the year has gone. I have accomplished half a year of college with passing grades, applied to go to Saint Leo in the fall where I will be leaving Indygo for the time I'm in school(besides holidays and weekend meetings if we can). I plan on getting a laptop for work in classes and for easy posting access when I have the whim.

I definitely mean to post more about what is going on in my life and other thoughts that pop into my mind.

But for now I will say Have a Great New Year!!

Friday, December 23, 2011


I just want to share with all of you this sweet video. You don't have to agree with Equality of marriage between two men or two women to enjoy this. And maybe it will open your eyes to the love that can be shared between them and that we need to have the same rights.

So enjoy this and have a Very Merry Christmas

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Missing Comments

A Message From Indygo: 

Willow brought it to my attention that she accidentally deleted two comments as she isn't use to blogger. If the poster of those comments would be so sweet as to repost them that would be great!


Tuesday, December 20, 2011


The smell of pine in the house,decorating the Christmas tree and a wonderful light display for outside. Spending Christmas Eve with family and friends and waking up real early on Christmas day to end up talking with siblings while waiting for parents to get up.

All of these are memories I have of this wonderful season. This is what I look forward to every year. Christmas is a time for family to get together and enjoy the company that it brings.

Even if you don't have a Christmas tree or any presents for Christmas day. Enjoy the season for what it should be.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Monday, December 19, 2011

Snakes in the House

So I am at my sisters house right now with one of my brother-in-laws snakes(Ball python) around my neck. I've always wondered how you could tell the difference between male and females. Well now I know.

The male snake at the tail goes from thick to thin without the gradual affect while the female is a nice smooth thinning.

Now there is much controversy to snakes. My mother has owned two ball pythons and my brother-in-law has 3 pythons and a rat snake in the house. There has never been any incidents with them harming anyone(even if the rat snake is aggressive by nature.)

The ball pythons if not careful, and they get around your neck, will constrict slightly. But it is in their nature and not their fault especially if they are seeking warmth. There is no need to hide your children from them. Let alone it is a great experience for the children to see and learn from watching how a snake lives and sometimes even eats its food.

All in all ball pythons are gently and elegant creatures

Thursday, December 8, 2011

By the Stream

By the Stream

So December is upon us and the Christmas season is closing in along with cool weather. That means lots of decoration for me and my fiancee for all the children of our neighborhood and anyone else to see. Here's what else I've been up to:

  • This Past Tuesday I went to my Fathers Boyscout troops Christmas party. It was a fun evening even though my father stole a running water candle holder that I really liked from me at the Santa exchange but I'm sure I'll get it for Christmas.
  • The First Term of College is over with and I passed with Two B's and Two C's. Now I'll have a whole month before I go back for the spring term.

I know not much for this month and I'm sorry I don't post much. But that I believe will be my New Years Resolution. To start posting more and not forgetting about it.
Well I hope you all have a Happy Holiday and New Year.